
More DCCC Robocalls Target GOP Lawmakers

On The Hill now:

Seeking to capitalize on House Republicans’ unanimous opposition to the economic stimulus bill, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching its third round of automated calls targeting 12 Republican congressmen Monday.

Touted as the third phase in its

Notably, the Republican lawmakers targeted in this round differ almost entirely from the last round of calls. Only first-term Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer was targeted in both rounds. In addition to Luetkemeyer (Mo.) and McCotter, the Republican representatives targeted Monday include Judy Biggert (Ill.), Ken Calvert (Calif.), Michael Castle (Del.), Charlie Dent (Pa.), Jim Gerlach (Pa.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Dan Lungren (Calif.), Adam Putnam (Fla.), Dave Reichert (Wash.) and Pete Sessions (Texas).