
Third Dem jumps into Ohio Senate race

With news that Sen. George Voinovich (R) is not seeking re-election, Ohio immediately became a target for Democrats in 2010. And now it looks like a trio of Dems are jumping in the race.

The Associated Press reports that Ohio State Rep. Tyrone Yates is running for the Democratic nomination. He joins Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner and Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher on the Demcoratic side. Among Republicans, only former Congressman Rob Portman has declared his candidacy.

Ohio flipped from red to blue in this year’s presidential election with President Obama carrying in by a 51 percent to 47 percent margin (Bush carried it 51 percent to 49 percent over John Kerry in 2004), giving Democrats an opportunity. But it’ll be interesting to see if a crowded primary field clears the way for Portman on the GOP side.