
Former Rep. Jeb Bradley gets back into politics

Former Rep. Jeb Bradley (R-N.H.) is running again, opting to pursue an open state Senate seat instead of a run again for national office.

Bradley will run for a state Senate seat to replace a state senator and former gubernatorial candidate who will not seek reelection, because he is scheduled to be deplyed in Afghanistan.

“It is certainly my intention to move forward on this,” Bradley told the New Hampshire Union-Leader, adding that he intends to make a formal announcement on his intentions “in a few days.”

Bradley was upset by Carol Shea-Porter (D) in the 2006 landslides for Democrats, and fell short in his bid to reclaim his old seat this past fall.

In addition to being mentioned as a potential House candidate again, Bradley’s name has also been tossed around for a Senate race, should Sen. Judd Gregg (R) follow through on his statements that he won’t run again.