
More bad news for Corzine in latest poll

If I were New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine (D), I’m not sure I would want to run for re-election. The Garden State continues to sink into debt, forcing Corzine to propose severe (and unpopular) budget cuts. And, though New Jersey has trended blue, Corzine is facing a serious Republican challenger in former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie in a race where Corzine appears vulnerable.

That perception will only grow today, as Quinnipiac University releases a poll that shows Christie leading Corzine by nine points – 46 percent to 37 percent. The poll’s topline is similar to other recent polls that have also showed Christie leading the governor.

Most troubling for Corzine: More than six in ten voters don’t know enough about Christie to form a favorable or unfavorable view and he is still winning (!).