
Case running to return to House

Former Rep. Ed Case (D) said over the weekend that he’ll run Congress again next year.

“I’m Ed Case and I’m excited and humbled to ask for your support to again serve the Hawaiian country we love in the United States Congress,” Case said in a video statement on his website.

Case will run for Hawaii’s 1st District seat that is being vacated by Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D), who is running for governor. Case represented the Aloha State’s 2nd District seat for five years until he left the seat to challenge Sen. Daniel Akaka (D) in the 2006 Democratic primary.

Several other Democrats are reportedly looking at the race. They include state Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, Honolulu City Councilman Duke Bainum and Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann.

National Republicans are very high on Honolulu City Councilman Charles Djou, who is also running for the seat.

Check out Case’s video announcement below.