
Mongiardo hauls in $420K

Kentucky Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo has hauled in $420,000 in the first quarter of his Senate campaign, his team announced Monday.

Mongiardo is challenging GOP Sen. Jim Bunning next year.

“I am deeply grateful and humbled by the hundreds of people across our Commonwealth who demonstrated their confidence in me by investing in our campaign,” Mongiardo said in a statement. “Raising $420,000 over a six week period during this time of economic hardship sends a strong message to Jim Bunning that hard working Kentucky families want a senator who will work equally hard every day to create jobs, make healthcare more affordable, and fix our nation’s financial mess.”

Mongiardo’s team touted the money as more than any other Democratic Senate challenger in Kentucky has ever raised in the first quarter of an election cycle.
The lieutenant governor is likely to face other contenders in the Democratic primary to challenge the vulnerable Bunning. Attorney General Jack Conway is seriously considering the race.