
DSCC head: Coleman only delaying an inevitable loss

Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) is delaying an inevitable loss by continuing his appeals, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) said Tuesday.

“It comes to a certain point in time where you’ve clearly litigated all of your arguments,” Menendez said this afternoon during an appearance on MSNBC. “At some point you have to wonder if you’re just prolonging the inevitable.”

The senator, in charge of Seante campaign efforts in the 2010 midterm cycle, said that while Coleman has the right to pursue his appeal of a three-judge panel’s ruling that Democrat Al Franken won the state’s Senate race to the state Supreme Court, it is unlikely Coleman will prevail.

“While he has the right to take it to the Supreme Court, all of his arguments…have already been answered by this three-judget panel,” Menendez said. “There’s no reason for Norm Coleman to believe that he can proceed to the Minnesota Supreme Court and win.”

Menendez blamed Coleman for just creating a longer delay in Minnesota’s having a second U.S. Senator. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) has been the state’s only lawmaker in the upper chamber in office since early January, when Coleman’s previous term expired.