
Toomey strikes back at Pa. Club for Growth letter

Pat Toomey’s camp is striking back at Pennsylvania Club for Growth founder William Parker’s letter Tuesday morning urging Toomey to abandon his primary challenge against Republican Sen. Arlen Specter.

Parker said that Toomey was too conservative to win a general election in Pennsylvania, so if he won the primary the GOP would be handing the seat to a Democrat.

Tim Kelly, a spokesman for Toomey, emailed a statement saying that several Pennsylvania Republicans have criticized Specter.

“Arlen Specter will promote anyone who will mimic his talking points, but what’s really notable is how many Pennsylvania Republican Members of Congress who supported Specter in 2004 are now coming out and saying they won’t support him this time,” Kelly said. “Specter has clearly overstayed his welcome with Pennsylvania voters and these Congressmen understand that.”

Kelly also said that Specter has become a “reliable vote” for President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) and pointed to a recent remark by the Pennsylvania GOP chairman.

“When asked today if Pat Toomey could be elected, Pennsylvania’s Republican State Party Chairman, Robert Gleason, said, ‘Of course he can be elected.'”