
Patru launches ‘Amplifico’

Former National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Ed Patru is launching a new communications shop.

Amplifico aims to pair “a scalable presidential campaign-style war room with communications operations and grassroots development services.”

Patru is launching the firm with fellow consultant Marc Ross, and the clientele will focus on business coalitions, corporations and trade associations.

“Marc and I have been entertaining the idea of a launching this service for some time, and the timing today is ideal,” Patru said. “There is a pronounced demand among businesses and industry trade associations for experienced, nimble and aggressive issue-based campaign operations. Amplifico provides that and we make it turn-key and fully scalable.”

Patru was more recently a spokesman for Freedom’s Watch, a conservative 501(c)4 focused on foreign policy issues. The group played heavily in the 2008 election.

Aaron Blake