
GOP Poll: Ridge has edge over Specter

A new poll for a Republican National Committeeman in Pennsylvania shows former Gov. Tom Ridge (R) and Sen. Arlen Specter (D) easily winning their respective Senate primaries, and Ridge edging Specter in the general election.

Other polling has shown Ridge and Specter in a virtual tie, but the new Public Opinion Strategies poll has Ridge leading the general election match up 48-41.

Ridge would lead a head-to-head primary with former Rep. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) 60-23, while Specter leads Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) 57-20 in a prospective primary. It should be pointed out that neither Toomey nor Sestak are well-known. Still, the large vote shares taken by both Ridge and Specter are strong.

Specter and Toomey are in, and Ridge and Sestak will evaluate the race in the coming weeks.

– Aaron Blake