
UPDATED: Liberals court Sestak to take on Specter, sort of

A liberal activist group, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, has launched an online poll asking if it should launch a movement to draft Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak into the Pennsylvania Senate race next year against Sen. Arlen Specter (D!).

Check out the poll here. Below they have testimonials on each side of the issue, including a leading one in the “yes” column from BBR friend “Senate Guru.”

This is exactly the liberal grassroots discontent with Specter that Democrat Joe Torsella, who is already in the race, has said he is looking to capitalize on.

UPDATED: With the poll open less than 24 hours, the results are decidedly one sided. The results show that, with 1771 votes cast nationwide, 87% favor a primary. Among those who are from Pennsylvania, 84% support a challenge.