
McCain solicits input (and donations) for PAC

As the Republican Party considers its strategies going forward, Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) Country First PAC is looking for input from supporters.

The PAC sent out an email to supporters Monday looking for feedback on a variety of policy positions, as well as a question about how active the PAC should be in upcoming elections.

“Our team is collecting information on some of the top issues our elected leaders across the country are facing and we want to know where you stand,” McCain wrote in a letter to supporters inviting them to take the 12-question survey.

The survey email also invited supporters to donate to the PAC.

The questionnaire includes issues like government spending and foreign policy — issues often finding their way to the top of McCain’s former presidential campaign agenda.

View the survey questions after the jump.

1. Supreme Court Justice David Souter has announced he plans to retire from the Court at the end of June. President Obama will nominate a new judicial nominee subject to confirmation by the United States Senate. Which of the following would you like to see nominated to the vacant seat?

2. Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress recently passed President Obama’s massive, multi trillion dollar budget. Not one Congressional Republican voted for the budget. Did you support the passage of the Obama budget?

3. In March, President Obama asked Rick Wagoner, the now former Chairman and CEO of General Motors to step down. Do you support the president’s authority to make personnel decisions like this in private companies who have accepted federal assistance?

4. The Democratic leaders in Congress along with the Obama Administration have signaled they are willing to introduce an additional stimulus bill before Congress. Do you support the passage of additional stimulus funds?

5. Citizens Against Government Waste recently released their annual “Pig Book,” a list of the worst pork-barrel spending offenders in Congress. The book showed a 14% increase in earmark spending from 2008 to 2009. Do you support efforts to completely eliminate pork-barrel spending in Congress?

6. Congressional Democratic leaders have released classified memos and vocally supported prosecution of previous Bush Administration officials for giving legal advice regarding past interrogation practices. Do you support their efforts to criminalize legal advice?

7. Should the U.S. strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan be determined by arbitrary timelines and troop levels dictated by political purposes or by victory?

8. The Obama Administration has proposed the creation of a European-style managed care health care system. Do you believe government is best able to manage your health care choices?

9. The rise in health care costs is sending Medicare and Medicaid into bankruptcy, yet the Obama Administration wants to put more of our health care system on the federal budget. Will having the federal government control more health care decisions make health care more, or less expensive to American families?

10. Though the previous Administration had already begun the process of closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, President Obama ordered the facility closed within one year. That was the easy part. The hard part is determining how to address the disposition of detainee cases currently in U.S. custody. How should we handle existing cases?

11. There is a legitimate debate to be had about the potential effects of climate change, however, the appropriate response should not be used to supplement other spending in the budget. Do you believe in limited measures to control climate change or sweeping legislation with the process supporting other priorities of the Administration?

12. In which of the following activities would you like to see Country First PAC’s involvement?
(Check all that apply)
