
Huntsman to be named China Ambassador

In a surprising move, President Obama will name Gov. Jon Huntsman (R) the new U.S. Ambassador to China, reports say. Huntsman is expected to accept.

Huntsman was considered a possible GOP Presidential candidate in 2012. In fact, Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe said recently that Huntsman was the candidate he most feared.

Huntsman was deputy trade representative under George W. Bush, and was U.S. Ambassador to Singapore from 1992 to 1994. As govenor, he recently led a trade mission to China. He speaks fluent Mandarin, and his wife and he adopted their daughter from China.

Re-elected to a second four year term in November, Huntsman has taken heteredox positions for a Republican, announcing recently that he favored civil unions for same-sex couples. He recently traveled to Michigan to speak with the Republican state party, fueling speculaiton that he was considering a presidential bid.

Lt. Gov. Gary Herbert (R) will assume office once Huntsman steps down and will serve until 2010, at which time a special election will be held.