
Cantor says GOP will take back House in 2010

You might want to take this with a grain of salt, but Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told ABC today that he thinks Republicans will take back the House in 2010.

That would require a 40-seat gain.

“I really believe we’ve got a shot at taking back this House because you see what’s gone on here with the unfettered ability of this administration and Nancy Pelosi to run this Congress,” Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., the No. 2 Republican in the House, told ABC News in an exclusive interview. “The American people see that this agenda is way far out of the mainstream. They want a check and a balance on this power. And I think at the end of the day that’s what rules come November 2010.”

Cantor also said that while Creigh Deeds, who won yesterday’s Viriginia’s Democratic Gubernatorial Primary, was the toughest of the three potential Democrats, Attorney General Bob McDonnell (R) would end up victorious.

“He’s the toughest candidate for us, because he will blur the difference,” Cantor said of Deeds, who will run against Republican Bob McDonnell in the November election for governor of Virginia.


“Before you had Terry McAuliffe, who would be tied to Bill Clinton…and Clinton never won Virginia. It was pretty clear what you’re running against when you’re running against Clinton,” Cantor said. “He [Deeds] has more rural constituency. He tends to really track what the state is about.”

Watch the whole interview here.