
RNC communications director calls Capitol violence ‘domestic terrorism’

The communications director of the Republican National Committee (RNC) condemned as “domestic terrorism” the violence perpetrated by a pro-Trump mob at the Capitol on Wednesday.

“What happened today was domestic terrorism. Our soldiers have died carrying the American flag into battle for our freedom. To see that flag used in the name of unfounded conspiracy theories is a disgrace to the nation, and every decent American should be disgusted by it,” Michael Ahrens said on Twitter.

Thousands of rioters raided the Capitol building as Congress was certifying the Electoral College vote, forcing the building to shut down and lawmakers to evacuate. Rioters broke windows and invaded the House chamber. 

At least one woman was shot and killed in the ensuing chaos.

At one point, a pipe bomb was found near the RNC headquarters, and the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee was evacuated after a suspicious package was discovered.

Ahrens confirmed on Twitter that a suspicious device was found, tweeting “RNC staff was safely evacuated from the building and the device has been successfully detonated by a bomb squad.”

Democrats and some Republicans have laid the violence at the feet of President Trump, who has refused to concede in the wake of the 2020 election, repeatedly voicing unfounded allegations of voter fraud.