
Lincoln Project mocks Lindsey Graham’s fundraising lag with Sarah McLachlan-themed video

The Lincoln Project, a conservative super PAC opposed to President Trump and several incumbent GOP lawmakers, released a new ad Friday mocking Sen. Lindsey Graham after the South Carolina Republican said he was “getting killed financially” by his Democratic challenger, Jaime Harrison.

“Every single hour in South Carolina, Lindsey Graham is violently out-fundraised,” the ad states, playing Sarah McLachlan’s song “Angel” over various images of Graham. The song has been featured in a number of television commercials for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

“Lindsey Graham won in 2014,” the ad states. “But this year, it might be too late.” 

“For just pennies a day, you can save Lindsey Graham’s Senate race,” the ad continues, urging viewers to call a phone number. A site promoted by the ad redirects to a fundraising page for the super PAC.

The ad includes audio of Graham’s interviews on Fox News earlier this week when he said he was “getting killed financially” by Harrison. Graham said on the network that “this money is because they hate my guts.”

“My opponent will raise $100 million in the state of South Carolina,” Graham said. “The most money ever spent in the history of the state on a Senate race was by me in 2014 when I spent $13 million.”

Harrison raised approximately $28 million as of the last Federal Election Commission filings in June, compared to Graham’s $29 million. The GOP lawmaker also held a cash advantage over Harrison in June, reporting $15 million in reserves compared to Harrison’s $10.2 million.

However, the Democratic candidate has reported a surge in recent financial support for his campaign, saying he raised $2 million with 48 hours after a poll showed him and Graham tied in the state.

Harrison taunted Graham over his remarks on Fox News this week urging supporters to boost his campaign, calling it an “Oscar-winning performance” in a tweet on Friday.

The Cook Political Report rates the race between Graham and Harrison as “lean Republican.”