
Australian billionaire to spend $48M on bushfire relief efforts

Australian mining magnate Andrew Forrest has pledged roughly $48 million in relief for the fires that have ravaged the nation, his charitable foundation announced Thursday.

Forrest, the founder of Fortescue Metals Group, announced his donation of 70 million Australian dollars, which he and his wife Nicola will make through their philanthropic organization, the Minderoo Foundation.

“At Minderoo Foundation, we want to provide immediate relief because, like so many other West Australians, we mourn the hardships of our fellow countrymen and women,” Forrest said in a statement. “We recognise that we don’t have all the answers, but we want to understand what communities need and do our bit to help them now and as they regroup in the coming months.”

The foundation will allocate 10 million Australian dollars toward volunteers in Western Australia, Forrest’s home state, with another 10 million going toward immediate relief funding and the remaining balance, 50 million Australian dollars, going toward a “long-term blueprint for fire resilience.”

The Australian fires have killed at least 25 people and up to 1 billion animals.

Numerous other celebrities and public figures have pledged financial support or volunteered in response, including Elton John and Australian native Chris Hemsworth, who both announced $1 million donations this week, and Lizzo, who volunteered at a Victoria food bank during her tour of the country.