
Democratic group asks women to wear white to State of the Union

The House Democratic Women’s Working Group is inviting female members of both parties to wear white to President Trump’s State of the Union address next week.

“Wearing suffragette white is a respectful message of solidarity with women across the country, and a declaration that we will not go back on our hard-earned rights,” the group’s chairwoman, Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.), told CNN, noting that the current Congress holds the record for the number of women members. 

The group also coordinated with Democratic women in 2017 during Trump’s joint address to Congress to promote their support for a number of women’s issues, including equal pay and reproductive rights. 

Individual women in politics have also taken to wearing white during significant moments to pay homage to the suffragette movement. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) wore white when she was sworn into Congress this month, saying she wanted to “honor the women who paved the path before me, and for all the women yet to come.” 


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also wore white when accepting the Democratic nomination for president in 2016.

Members were invited last year to wear black during the State of the Union to express solidarity with the “Me Too” and “Time’s Up” movements.