
Searches for ‘emolument’ jump after judge allows case against Trump to go forward

Searches on Merriam-Webster’s website for the word “emolument” jumped more than 9,100 percent on Wednesday following a federal judge’s decision to allow a case concerning the issue against President Trump to move forward.

The dictionary reported that online searches skyrocketed after U.S. District Judge Peter Missette allowed a lawsuit from the attorney generals of Maryland and the District of Columbia to proceed, despite the president’s attempt to block it.

The lawsuit accuses Trump of violating the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution, which prohibits elected officials from receiving gifts or benefits from foreign governments without congressional approval.


The suit specifically focuses on Trump’s profit from foreign officials staying at the Trump International Hotel, just blocks from the White House in Washington, D.C.

Merriam-Webster has appeared to troll the president before on its official Twitter account.

After Trump originally said “no” when asked if Russia interfered in the election, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to clarify that Trump was “saying ‘no’ to answering questions” from reporters.

The dictionary then tweeted out the definitions of “yes” and “no.” 

Merriam-Webster also mocked Trump for using the wrong word in a tweet bragging about his “ability to write.”