
Protesters seek to fly ‘Trump baby’ blimp in Scotland during Trump vacation

Protesters are planning to fly the blimp designed to look like an infant President Trump during his visit to Scotland this week. 

BBC News reports the organizers behind the balloon, who raised over $40,000 to fly it in London during Trump’s trip to the United Kingdom, are planning to transport the 20-foot-tall inflatable baby to Scotland overnight to fly it on Saturday when the president is expected to play at his Turnberry golf course. 

Police Scotland told the publication that they would not allow protesters to fly the blimp at the Turnberry during the president’s visit, but that they would be happy to discuss other options for the balloon with protesters.

{mosads}”Clearly there is a significant protection operation in place for the president and this includes restrictions to the airspace in the Turnberry area,” Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams told the publication. “We need to ensure there is a balance between protection and public safety and the public’s right to peacefully protest.”

“With that in mind and on this occasion we are unable to grant permission for the balloon to fly in that area, however we are in discussion with the applicants about possible alternatives,” Williams continued.

Anti-Trump activist Matthew Butcher, who is also one of the balloon’s “babysitters,” told the publication it “brings an element of fun to the protests, but it also gets under Donald Trump’s very thin skin.” 

Butcher went on to say the demonstration aims to “hold up a mirror” to the president’s “toddler-like politics.”