
Poll: Trump sees low support for reelection in key states

Only about a third of voters in Arizona, Florida and Ohio say President Trump deserves to be reelected, according to an NBC News and Marist College poll published Wednesday. 

In Arizona, a state Trump won by 4 points in 2016, 35 percent of those surveyed said the president should be reelected, while 57 percent disagreed.

The poll also found that only 41 percent approved of the job the president is doing, while 47 percent disapproved.


In Florida, another notable battleground state that Trump narrowly won in 2016, 37 percent of respondents said the president should be reelected, while 54 percent said another person should be given a chance in the Oval Office.

Trump, however, garnered a higher approval rating in Florida than the other battleground states surveyed, with 45 percent of registered voters in the Sunshine State approving of Trump’s job performance and 46 percent saying they disapprove.

In Ohio, a state that has voted in favor of the winning candidate in every presidential election since 1964, NBC and Marist found that only 34 percent of registered voters said Trump deserves to win another term.

Thirty-five percent of those surveyed in the Buckeye State approve of the president’s job performance, while 49 percent disapproved.

The NBC News–Marist poll of Arizona was conducted via phone from June 17 to 21 with 839 registered voters and 371 Republican primary voters.

The poll in Florida was conducted via phone from June 17 to 21 with 947 registered voters, 344 registered Democrats and 326 Republicans. 

And the polling of Ohio was conducted via phone from June 17 to 22 with 778 registered voters.