
Stormy Daniels’s attorney to reveal sketch of man who threatened client on ‘The View’

The lawyer representing adult-film star Stormy Daniels says on “The View” on Tuesday Daniels will unveil a rough sketch of the man she says warned her in 2011 to drop her claims against President Trump.


“This morning on @TheView, @stormydaniels and I will release the composite sketch of the thug who threatened my client and her little girl in Las Vegas. This is a search for the truth,” Avenatti tweeted.

Daniels claims she was approached in 2011 by a man in a parking lot who warned her to “leave Trump alone” and drop her plans to discuss the alleged affair with a sister publication of InTouch magazine. She originally reported the incident during a “60 Minutes” interview with Anderson Cooper.

“I was in a parking lot, going to a fitness class with my infant daughter. Taking, you know, the seats facing backwards in the backseat, diaper bag, you know, gettin’ all the stuff out. And a guy walked up on me and said to me, ‘Leave Trump alone. Forget the story,’ ” Daniels told Cooper earlier this year.

“And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, ‘That’s a beautiful little girl. It’d be a shame if something happened to her mom.’ And then he was gone,” she continued.

Daniels told Cooper that she “absolutely” took the incident as a direct threat, but has no proof the man was linked to Trump or his attorney, Michael Cohen.

“I was rattled. I remember going into the workout class. And my hands are shaking so much, I was afraid I was gonna drop her,” Daniels said.

Daniels says she does not know the man but would recognize him if she saw him again. Trump, through White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has denied involvement but condemned any threats of violence.

“Obviously we take the safety and security of any person seriously, certainly would condemn anyone threatening any individual,” Sanders said in March, before adding she had “no knowledge” of the alleged incident.

The appearance on “The View” will be Daniels’s first live television interview.

Daniels, who alleges a 2006 affair with the president, is suing Trump over his and Cohen’s denials of the affair, which Daniels says constitutes defamation that has harmed her reputation.

Cohen admits to paying Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, $130,000 as part of a nondisclosure agreement in the days leading up to the 2016 election, which Daniels says was to silence her about her alleged relationship with Trump.

Daniels and her lawyer argue the agreement is invalid because it does not bear Trump’s signature.

Details about the $130,000 payment were among materials seized from Cohen’s offices by FBI agents in a raid of Cohen’s offices and other belongings last Monday, which the president has denounced as a “disgrace.”