
Protester throws Russian flag at Manafort after he pleads not guilty

A protester on Thursday threw a Russian flag at President Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

Manafort was leaving a federal court building in Alexandria, Va., when the protester, holding a sign that read “traitor” on one side and “blood money” on the other, threw the Russian flag.


The former Trump campaign chairman plead not guilty to bank fraud and other charges stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis put Manafort on home confinement and set a trial date of July 10, according to a report in The Washington Post. 

Manafort separately faces charges in another federal court in Washington, D.C. He has also pleaded not guilty in that court, where he faces a trial date of Sept. 17. 

In both cases, Manafort faces charges stemming from allegations that he hid work he did for a pro-Russia political party in the Ukraine, as well as the money he made from that work.

A business associate, Richard Gates, has pled guilty to charges of lying to the FBI and conspiracy.