
Victims’ father attempts to attack Nassar in court

The father of three victims of former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar lunged at the disgraced physician in court on Friday before being tackled by bailiffs. 

Two of Randall Margraves’s daughters had finished delivering their statements when their father used profanity toward Nassar before being reprimanded by the judge. 

“We don’t want to swear. We don’t want to have profanity. I can’t imagine the anger and the anxiety and the feeling of wanting retribution, and if you need to say something, I’m more than willing to let you say something. But in a courtroom, we don’t use profanity,” the judge said. 

“I would ask you to, as part of the sentencing, to grant me five minutes in a locked room with this demon. Would you do that?” Margraves asked the judge before running toward Nassar. 

“Let me at him,” Margraves shouted as he was tackled. “Give me one minute with that bastard!”

He was then led out of the courtroom in handcuffs. 

The Associated Press reported on Friday that the judge would not move to punish Margraves.  

Margraves is the father of three of Nassar’s victims. 

Nassar was sentenced last month to up to 175 years in prison for decades of sexual abuse.