
CNN host: Trump could be ‘the most consequential president in the modern era’

CNN host Michael Smerconish said Saturday that President Trump could be the “most consequential president” in modern history, citing the Russia probe and his relationships with Republicans, Democrats and the news media.

“If the pace of change continues for the duration of Trump’s presidency, however long that might be, I think he could become the most consequential president in the modern era,” the host said on his show “Smerconish.”

The CNN host characterized that distinction as the “most important and significant, having the biggest overall impact.”


Smerconish was referring to how little the president has done to change the public’s perception of him during the first year of his presidency. 

“Roughly the same number of people support him today as did at the beginning of his administration. The Russia probe has remained constant. The elected Republicans remain skeptical of his leadership but largely compliant. The elected Democrats, they still don’t like him. The war with the media has never subsided and neither have his Twitter fingers,” he said. 

Smerconish’s comments come as the president wraps up his first year in office and continues to celebrate the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, his first major legislative victory.

Trump signed the bill on Friday at the White House before leaving to spend the holidays at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla.

The president has remained vocal on Twitter since arriving in Florida on Friday afternoon, tweeting about the GOP fielding “good” candidates ahead of the 2018 midterm elections and going after a number of FBI officials.