
Chicago Radio Offers Blago and Wife a Show?

The Chicago-based WGN Radio announced that it has offered an open, weekday afternoon time slot to scandal-plagued Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) and his wife.

“After weeks of auditions and substitutions by fascinating radio performers, we’re now prepared to fill the position,” said WGN Program Director Kevin Metheny. “On numerous occasions we’ve been impressed by the mastery of public policy, newshound-like familiarity with the events of the day, and remarkable facility with banter displayed by Governor Rod Blagojevich.”

WGN made the announcement following Blagojevich’s most recent press conference.

“Some may feel this is a cynical gesture in pursuit of publicity, but nothing could be further from the truth,” Metheny added. “The currency of radio’s realm is ratings, and the Governor is ratings gold.”

Metheny’s statements did include some indication of cheekiness, however. Metheny said it was likely that the governor would soon be unemployed, meaning he could use a job with medical care to “defray the expenses of psychiatric care.”

Ironically, WGN is owned by the Tribune Company, whose flagship Chicago Tribune had been threatened by Blagojevich, according to allegations in the criminal complaint filed against the governor.

Still, Metheny concluded: “We’re serious.”