
Hot on The Hill right now

Lingering piles of slushy precipitation may have been reason enough to cancel a press conference with Gordon Brown this afternoon, but these headlines are hot enough to melt the Rose Garden residue:
  • The D.C. Voting Rights Act has been tabled — tomorrow, at least — because of concerns that district gun laws could get watered down.
  • Is Rush Limbaugh unpatriotic? Brent Budowsky asks this at the Pundits Blog.
  • The fourth time wasn’t the charm: Senate Dems and a few GOPs are irked at AIG’s latest round of bailout change.
  • Here at the BBR (Blog Briefing Room), Mike and Jeremy are on stories such as Limbaugh this and Limbaugh that. Plus, which congressman lauded the fall of the Rocky Mountain News?
  • And The Big Question: Is Rush good or bad for Republicans?