
Muslim activist urges community to be ‘perpetually outraged’ on Trump

A controversial Palestinian-American political activist and Women’s March on Washington leader over the weekend called for the Muslim community to stay “perpetually outraged” at President Trump.

In a speech to a Muslim organization, Linda Sarsour referred to resistance against the administration as a form of “jihad.”


“I hope that when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of Jihad,” Sarsour told the Islamic Society of North America Conference in Chicago. She encouraged unity among American Muslims against the Trump administration.

“Do not criticize me when I say that we as a Muslim community in these United States of America have to be perpetually outraged,” she continued.

However her use of the term “jihad” earned criticism online Thursday, particularly from several conservatives in the media.

In response, Sarsour tweeted that the “right wing tries to demonize my leadership” and included a link to her full 22 minute speech.

In the speech she pointed to Trump as an opponent of the Muslim community, saying “we are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad … but here in these United States of America where we have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.”

“When I wake up every morning and remember who is sitting in the White House, I am outraged,” she said.

Sarsour also called upon the Muslim community not to assimilate into American society, saying “our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our community. It is not to assimilate and to please any other people in authority.”

The annual conference had an estimated 20,000 people in attendance, and is the largest gathering of Muslims in North America. Former President Obama spoke at the event in 2015.