
Hot on The Hill right now

  • Everything AIG: New video up as well as new updates coming in from Silla Brush at the hearing. Meanwhile, Obama says he doesn’t want to quell anger — because first, you’ve got to get mad!
  • And in the realm of AIG, Rep. Connie Mack says Timothy Geithner should step down the “disaster” of his poor oversight. In a unique synergy between left and right, the Code Pinkers who got their signs taken away from them at the hearing agree.
  • Shameless self-promotion: In an interview with The Hill, the nation’s homelessness czar says that the sliver of cash dedicated to helping the poorest is “like manna from heaven.” With audio.
  • Is Obama taking on too much at one time? Nope, writes Peter Fenn on the Pundits Blog.
  • How much is spent on services that aren’t provided in English? Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) wants to know.