
Poll: Biden is top Dem in 2020 matchup with Trump

Former Vice President Joe Biden fares best among Democrats in a hypothetical matchup against President Trump in 2020, according to a survey from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling out Tuesday.

Biden edges Trump by 14 points in a head-to-head race, 54 percent to 40 percent, but he’s far from being the only Democrat with an edge on the president heading into the next election.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) also fared strongly against Trump in the poll, leading him 52 percent to 39 percent.

Three other Democratic lawmakers in the poll also led Trump: Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Al Franken (Minn.) and Cory Booker (N.J.). 

{mosads}Warren led Trump 49 percent to 39 percent, while Franken scored 46 percent versus 38 percent for Trump. Booker, a freshman senator, scored 46 percent support versus 39 percent for Trump.

The PPP poll also found that Trump would face a shortfall in a hypothetical race against actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who earlier this month floated the idea of a presidential run in 2020. The movie star and former professional wrestler is viewed favorably by both Democrats and Republicans, according to the survey, and leads Trump 42 percent to 37 percent in a prospective matchup.

In his first months in office, Trump has seen dwindling approval ratings and a string of controversies that have regularly put his administration on the defensive. The PPP survey released Tuesday pegged his current job approval at just 40 percent.

By comparison, former President Barack Obama’s approval rating sat at 64 percent in May 2009, according to Gallup’s daily tracking poll. Former President George W. Bush’s approval was 56 percent in May 2001.

Trump’s campaign filed for reelection on Jan. 20 — the day of his inauguration — and the president has mentioned the possibility of second term.