
Harman to speak at AIPAC next month

Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), who was reportedly caught on tape making a deal with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), is scheduled to speak at that organization’s annual policy conference in early May.

According to AIPAC’s website, Harman will speak on a panel with former CIA director James Woolsey, Robert Satloff of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and Maj. Gen. Ido Nechustan of the Israeli Air Force, on May 3.

The conference is set to take place at the Washington Convention Center.

According to a CQ report this morning, the NSA recorded Harman making a deal with AIPAC to help reduce the charges against two of their former employees charged with releasing classified documents in exchange for AIPAC lobbying Speaker Nany Pelosi to let Harman keep her post as chairwoman of the House Intelligence Committee.

(h/t: Spencer Ackerman)