
Sebelius wins committee approval

The Senate Finance Committee voted today to send the nomination of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-Kan.) to head HHS to to the Senate floor.

The committee voted 15 to 8 to favorably report her nomination.

“I congratulate Governor Sebelius and will push for immediate action by the full Senate so that she can finally roll up her sleeves and get down to helping out on this critical work of reforming the health care system,” said Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the committee.

Conservatives oppose Sebelius’s abortion policies in Kansas, recently seizing on donations she received from an abortion provider.

Republican Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz). voted against Sebelius in committee and said he’ll continue to oppose her nomination when it comes up for a full senate vote. Kyl said Sebelius’s position on “comparative effectiveness research” would allow the government to deny coverage based on cost.

“I believe in the right of every American to choose the doctor, hospital, and health plan of his or her choice,” Kyl said. “No Washington bureaucrat should interfere with that right or substitute the government’s judgment for that of a physician.”