
VIDEO: Best of Shep Smith

Shep Smith let loose last night on the subject of torture. “We are America! We do not f***ing torture!” he yelled on air.

This wasn’t the first time Smith has made for good TV. Here are a few of our favorite Shep Smith moments.

(a) Smith makes fun of Glenn Beck’s “We Surround Them” special:

What is this hour? What is this hour that’s beginning in 48 minutes?…See I love [Beck’s] program, but I don’t listen to it…I’ve just been informed, 30 minutes from now, Glenn Beck will be calling from the ‘Fear Chamber.’ Is that the one with the “I see dead people” lighting they used yesterday?

(b) A fire alarm goes off while Smith is on air:

(c) Smith fires back at a claim of media bias. “We are always here to be blamed by people like you who enjoy that activity.”

(d) Smith re-enacts the scene inside Paris Hilton’s court hearing, then mocks a random man standing at a news conference.