
Pawlenty: Specter switch has no impact on Franken-Coleman

The fact that Democrats are one seat from a 60 vote filibuster proof majority is having little effect on Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R), who ultimately must sign a document to certify Democrat Al Franken’s election last year in order for him to be seated in the Senate.

Pawlenty told Minnesota Public Radio that Sen. Arlen Specter’s (Pa.) decision to switch to the Democratic Party won’t influence when or if he signs off of Franken’s election.

“We’re going to follow the law with respect to the Franken/Coleman litigation and when and how a certificate gets issued,” Pawlenty said. “So again, the situation with Pennsylvania has no connection or impact on what’s going to happen in Minnesota.”

National Republicans and Norm Coleman have continued to press the case in court – it will be heard by the Minnesota Supreme Court on June 1.