
Gingrich: Steele hasn’t mastered art of dealing with RNC members

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) said Thursday that he believes there is tension between new Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele and RNC members because Steele has yet to learn how to keep the members “happy.”

Gingrich’s remarks come after reports that some RNC members were trying to take control of the committees funds from Steele.

Appearing on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” Gingrich said the following of Steele:

“He probably has not yet learned the art of massaging the egos of RNC members. One of the reasons, frankly, I would not have dreamed of running for that job is the Republican National Committee is this tiny group of people, some of whom have been there 20 years or more. And they all think they’re precious. And they all think they should be taken care of. And they all think that the job of the chairman first of all is to make the RNC members happy.”

This does not sound like someone who plans to run for president, does it? At least not as a Republican, right?

Check out the video below: