
Sanders: Trump ‘fostering hatred’ with refugee ban

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Saturday accused President Trump of “fostering hatred” with his executive order barring people from certain Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.


“Trump’s anti-Muslim order plays into the hands of fanatics wishing to harm America. Love and compassion trump hatred and intolerance,” Sanders tweeted.


“Demagogues survive by fostering hatred. We won’t allow anyone to divide us up by our religion, country of origin or the color of our skin,” he added.


{mosads}Trump signed an executive action Friday barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the U.S., and halting the country’s Syrian refugee resettlement program.

The president has argued that the move will help protect the U.S. from terrorists that use the resettlement program to enter the country. But opponents argue that the action eviscerates a program that provides vital assistance to refugees, and ultimately empowers terrorist organizations.