
Minnesota gov. collapses during state of the state address

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton (D) collapsed while delivering his State of the State address Monday night.


The Twin Cities Pioneer Press reported that Dayton fainted about 45 minutes into his speech. Before that, Dayton had appeared to falter while walking up to the podium and had paused at several points throughout the address.


The joint session of the state legislature to which Dayton, 69, was speaking adjourned while the governor was treated. Moments later, Dayton got up on his own, waved to the audience and left the room, according to a reporter for the Pioneer Press.

Dayton’s son later said on Twitter that his father was “doing great” and thanked people for their concern, according to local station KARE-11.


State Sen. Scott Jensen (R), who is a medic, told Minnesota Public Radio that Dayton’s condition is “stable.” 


State Sen. Dan Schoen (D), also a medic, said Dayton was acting normally and making jokes minutes after he fainted. Dayton was revived and left the chamber on his own, KARE-11 added.


Dayon collapsed during a speaking event last year, after he began to feel “increased pressure in his lower back,” according to a statement released by his office at the time.

Updated 11 p.m.