
Women’s march in DC planned for day after Trump inauguration

Thousands of women plan to fill the streets of Washington, D.C., the day after President-elect Donald Trump takes the oath of office.

The “Women’s March on Washington” demonstration is set to take place on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017, according to the event’s Facebook page.
{mosads}More than 100,000 people have expressed interest in the event, with more that 40,000 indicating that they will be at the event.
“This is all about a grassroots movement of women,” Fontaine Pearson, a coordinator, told BuzzFeed News.
“We’re just watching it grow,” she added, underscoring how quickly the event has gained popularity.
To help organize for the event, some created local Facebook groups to encourage more people to attend.
“I think it’s my obligation as someone who still has hope in this nation to fight for more than just me,” a Utah state organizer told BuzzFeed.
“This is an inclusive march, and everyone who supports women’s rights are welcome,” reads an event description posted on the page.
Attendees will begin their march by the Lincoln Memorial and will then proceed to the White House to publicly display their grievances with the new president.
Pearson told BuzzFeed that those attending the event do not dispute that Trump was elected fairly, but added that the president-elect “embodies” what many women have had to tolerate.