
Police union pushes back on Freddie Gray findings

The Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police dismissed the charges against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray on Friday and called for a special prosecutor to take over for Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby.
“As tragic as this situation is, none of the officers involved are responsible for the death of Mr. Gray,” Gene Ryan, the Baltimore FOP president wrote in an open letter to Mosby posted on Twitter. 
{mosads}”To the contrary, at all times, each of the officers diligently balanced their obligations to protect Mr. Gray and discharge their duties to protect the public.”
Mosby announced the charges at a press briefing Friday morning and said her investigation found Gray suffered a fatal spinal injury because he was not properly restrained in a police van. 
The officer who drove the van faces a second-degree murder charge, and others face charges including involuntary manslaughter and assault. 
Mosby added that officers failed to provide medical assistance to Gray despite repeated calls for help and that the initial arrest was illegal because it lacked probable cause. 
Ryan’s letter also asks Mosby to appoint an official prosecutor. It questions her relationship with a Gray family attorney, who donated to her election campaign, and said the career of her husband, a city councilman, will be “directly impacted” by the results of the case. 
“While I have the utmost respect for you and your office,” he wrote, “I have very deep concerns about the many conflicts of interest presented by your office in conducting an investigation in this case.”
“In order to avoid any appearance of impropriety or a violation of the Professional Rules of Professional Responsibility, I ask that you appoint a Special Prosecutor to determine whether or not any charges should be filed.” 
Mosby balked at the suggestion during her press conference.
“The people of Baltimore City elected me, and there is no accountability with a special prosecutor,” she said.
“I can tell you that from day one, we independently investigated. We are not just relying on solely what we were given from the police department.”