
Huntsman questions bridge scandal claims

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman (R) questions how the George Washington Bridge Scandal unfolded and suggests there could be more to the story.

Huntsman said governors’ internal staffs usually are “tight,” and governors know the extent of details flowing through their offices.   

“Everybody knows day in and day out what’s playing out in your state down to miniscule details. There’s something here that just doesn’t seem to connect fully in terms of how communication was handled and how the issues were put forward to the governor. I hope that part is clarified because I know how governor’s offices run,” Huntsman said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

As a 2012 GOP presidential candidate, Huntsman also added that Gov. Christie (R-N.J.) is an “impressive figure” and said he would make a “great candidate” for the presidency. Before the bridge scheme unraveled last week, Christie had been considered a front-runner among potential contenders for the 2016 presidential race.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), also appeared in the Tuesday interview with Huntsman, and called Christie a friend. Manchin, another former governor, said he never saw this coming. 

“I have never seen any indication of what we’re seeing now. We just to wait for things to unfold here. I would believe Chris for what he’s saying, and I would take him at his word, and if it’s going to be any different, it’ll be a horrific price to pay.”