
Poll: Almost half of voters more likely to pick candidate who would be check on Trump

Almost half of voters in a new poll say they want to elect congressional candidates in the midterms who will serve as a check to President Trump’s power in Washington.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Thursday found that 48 percent of voters say they are more likely to support a candidate in the November midterms who promises to be a check on Trump. Less than one-quarter, 23 percent, said the opposite. 

Pollsters also found that more than half of voters, 53 percent, said they are less likely to support a congressional candidate who supports some or most of Trump’s signature issues. Less than one-third, 31 percent, would back a candidate who supports Trump’s issues.


Democrats hold a 10-point advantage among voters in the poll when it comes to which party Americans want to control the House. Fifty percent of voters now want to see the Democrats retake the House, up slightly from 47 percent in April. 

Forty percent of Americans say they want the GOP to remain in control of the House, unchanged from April.

Democrats are hoping to retake a 23-seat deficit in the House and two seats in the Senate in this year’s midterm elections, and have seen an overall lead on a generic House ballot fluctuate since the beginning of the year.

The NBC/WSJ poll was conducted between June 1-4, and contacted 900 registered voters. It carries a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.