Morning Read


Peanut CEOs’ Testimony – Dylan & Ethan Ris, Political Machine
Congress Moves to Limit Obama’s PowerGlenn Greenwald
Lincoln at 200Scott, Powerline
NPR Conceals Banks’ Bankruptcy – Dean Baker, Beat the Press
As Maine Goes… – Karen Tumulty, Swampland
Still Crazy After All These Years – John Cole, Balloon Juice
Presidential Succession – Patrick Edaburn, The Moderate Voice
Immigration Simmers in Stimulus – D. Eviatar, Wash. Independent
D.C. Reads Blogs – Chris Bowers, Open Left
Gibbs Has Some Competition – Brian Darling, RedState
The Thursday RundownSenate Guru
19 Ways to Reject a Ballot – CA Pol Junkie, The Left Coaster
Good Reads – digby, Hullaballoo
N.Y. Reps Support Citi’s Naming of Stadium – D. Horner, Townhall
Rahm and Alexrod’s New Dilemma – Simon Johnson, TPMCaf