Morning Read


President Obama and PM Harper on Nafta – B.T. Dem., Talk Left
Blue Dogs Stave Off EFCA – W. T. Huston, Red State
Tedisco Refuses to take Stand on Stimulus – Brownsox, DailyKos
That Was Then, This is Now – John, Powerline
There are No Arlen Specters on the LeftEzra Klein
Holder Wants American to Pick its Scab – M. Medved, Townhall
Political Oscars: The WInners Are Arianna Huffington
Mr. President: Be an Optimist – Mark McKinnon, Daily Beast
A Final Word on the Chimp Cartoon – I. Chotiner, The Plank
The Irony of Liberaltarianism – J. Goldberg, The Corner
Just Another Day in Conservativeland – Attaturk, Firedoglake
Hip Hop RepublicansRoss Douthat
Supporting George MitchellMatthew Yglesias
What Do You Mean by ‘New Deal’ Megan McArdle
The Credit Crisis Visualized – J. Gandelman, Moderate Voice

Bank Nationalization Would Post Hurdles for ObamaThe Hill
D.C. Voting Act Not Facing Lawsuits Yet The Hill
Peres: Netanyahu Will Form New Government AP
California Budget Leaves Few Happy Wall Street Journal