Morning Read


Why no one believes what Dems say – Chris Bowers, Open Left
Media ignores Hillary’s Mexico blunder – W.T. Huston, RedState
From invisible man to everywhere – P.M. Carpenter, BuzzFlash
Why won’t the NYT review Iraq supporters? – S. Johnson, Powerline
The mad genius of Glenn BeckThe Daily Beast
Twitter, Olbermann and Fox – Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit
Why is Dianne Feinstein stiffing labor? – Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight
Obam back to Europe, problems in tow – J. Harwood, The Caucus
On the ground in NY-20 – Aaron Banks, MyDD
Worm has turned for Bush officials – D. De Wind, Moderate Voice
Free speech dies painful death in U.S. – Minority Report
Yes, I listen to Rush Limbaugh – Hilzoy, Political Animal
Obama’s traveling companions – Taeggan Goddard, Political Wire
Wagoner: Obama’s Diem?Kausfiles
An onimous headline – Kathryn Jean Lopez, The Corner

U.S. moves to overhaul automakersNY Times
Key U.S. allies face off in IraqWashington Post
Budget battle moves to House, Senate floorThe Hill
Experts say Obama needs to watch gaffesThe Hill