Morning Read


Enough with the ‘insurgent’ talk – Steve Benen, Political Animal
Three years of the Condor, cont’d – Scott, Powerline
Huckabee supporters: Toomey’s your man – D. Horner, Townhall
Easter and air travel – Dean Baker, Beat the Press
9/11 commission for financial crisis? – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Presidential respect – Jay Nordlinger, The Corner
20 ways to get the country back – John Hawkins, Right Wing News
Springsteen and Seeger – Katrina vanden Heuvel, Editor’s Cut
Obama’s era of speech suppression? – W.T. Huston, Newsbusters
Isakson under 50 – James L., Swing State Project
The ‘Cinco de Cuatro’ affair – Moe Lane, RedState
N’Western frees another innocent inmate – TChris, TalkLeft
Will cap and trade save the planet? – Nick Loris, The Foundry
SCOTUS pick within the week? – Todd Beeton, MyDD
It’s never been Dems vs. GOP – Marc Pascal, The Moderate Voice

Obama triggers tax fightThe Hill
Justices limit identity theft penaltiesNew York Times
Murtha nephew got billions in defense contractsWashington Post
More banks will need capital, tests showWall Street Journal