Morning Read


Specter for Coleman – Kathryn Jean Lopez, The Corner
Scare Force One photos censored – David Stagey, Politics Daily
Hatch lying on SCOTUS filibusters – Jonathan Singer, MyDD
Immigration raids echo Bush – Daphne Eviatar, Wash. Independent
Huh? Republicans support card check? – Jillian Bandes, Townhall
Must be tough for white, male justices – Attaturk, firedoglake
Most liberal states are least free – Warner Todd Huston, RedState
Revolving door up to ten – Brent Baker, Newsbusters
King corn – Kevin Drum, Mother Jones
The historical record on interrogation – Paul, Powerline
Why the left should be worried about Twitter – M. Turk, techPresident
Disbarment won’t do it – David Waldman, Congress Matters
India, China, and the Western mediaJames Fallows
Are things changing? – DougJ, Balloon Juice
Self-defense story of the dayMichelle Malkin

October surprise: Approps may be finished on timeThe Hill
Private equity circles ailing banksNew York Times
Stress tests for banks yield early progressWashington Post
Washington asserts loyalty to ZadariWall Street Journal