Morning Read


Mutual aid: A factor in cyberspace – Jesse Walker, Hit & Run
Little NK dictator gets all threaten-y – W. Teach, Right Wing News
The GOP’s Supreme problem – Reihan Salam, The Daily Beast
Outrageous lack of outrage on ‘Outrage’ – Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash
No bottom until late 2009 – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Old media ignore FEC Palin dismissal – W.T. Huston, Newsbusters
Know when to fold ’em – DougJ, Balloon Juice
Which is most disqualifying? – E Pluribus Unum, RedState
Perhaps a decade more in Iraq – Charles Lemos, MyDD
Rachel Carson, top mass murderer – D. Hinz, The Minority Report
Friends in the FDIC? – John Hempton, TPMCafe
Obama’s mettle testMichelle Malkin
Supreme Court Kabuki watch – Kevin Drum, Mother Jones
‘Empathy’ and the oath – Jonah Goldberg, The Corner
Biden stops for BBQ in Denver – Jeralyn, TalkLeft

Sotomayor: ‘Her extraordinary journey’The Hill
GM bondholders turn down debt swapAssociated Press
Pick sets off pride, concern for HispanicsNew York Times
Cost of gay marriage, in dollars and centsChristian Science Monitor