Midday Blog Roundup


Jack Bauer in a Post-Bush World – Rick Moran, Right Wing Nuthouse
A Mitch-erable Failure – Erick Erickson, RedState
What’s Wrong With Dumb Voters? – J. Rubin, contentions
With GOP Staffers Like These… – David Freddoso, The Corner
24 – Kevin Drum, Mother Jones
Obama and the War on Terror – Zachary Roth, TPMMuckraker
Ann Coulter: The Fishbowl DC InterviewFishbowl DC
Quick Turnaround – David Kurtz, TalkingPointsMemo
Obama: Gay Bishop Unrelated to Warren – J. Aravosis, AMERICAblog
Force Repeal of Bush Tax Cuts for WealthyBuzzflash
Bush Rebuffs Criticism on Katrina – Ali Frick, Think Progress
Newspaper Editor Pens Own Obituary – Kevin Williamson, Media Blog
Too Big to Fail? – Michael Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
Joe Becomes ‘Joe the Media’ – Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
Gay Bishop to Deliver Opening Prayer – Lisa Derrick, La Figa

Obama Asks Bush for Rest of TARP MoneyThe Hill
Obama Reluctant to Look Into Bush ProgramsNew York Times
Bush: America’s ‘Moral Standing’ Still IntactWashington Post
New Playing Field in Electric Car PushWall Street Journal