Midday Blog Roundup


I was ambushed by an O’Reilly producer – A. Terkel, Think Progress
Go hard but then go home – S. Ackerman, Wash. Independent
Is subsidizing energy the way to go? – Nick Loris, The Foundry
Obama’s green agenda – Jay Newton-Small, Swampland
Did the 2008 election even matter? – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Zing, Zang, Zoom! – Knight of the Mind, The Minority Report
Making Countrywide execs rich again – J. Hamsher, firedoglake
The Treasury wants to talk to you – Bess Levin, Dealbreaker
Duplicitous – Christopher Orr, The Plank
Northern exposure – Matt Lewis, Townhall
Kinds of confidenceMatthew Yglesias
Against the AIG lynch mob – David Frum, New Majority
Did Obama accuse Cheney of torture? – Greg Sargent, The Plum Line
Too big to fail? – James Piereson, The Corner
Why do Democrats hate the press? – Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

Obama, Biden to meet with Senate DemocratsThe Hill
U.S. markets soar in early tradingWashington Post
Treasury unveils toxic asset planWall Street Journal
Middle-class dream fades as pay shrinksDetroit News