Midday Blog Roundup


On Economy, Americans Hoping with Obama – A. Koppelman, Salon
Growing Gap in Defense Spending – R. Cooper, The Foundry
The Volcano Wars, Ctd. – C. Orr, The Plank
Volcano Lansing Update – J. Goldberg, The Corner
The Policy Matters More Than the Phrase – S. Benen, Political Animal
Voinovich: Card Check a Bad Idea – E. Morrissey, HotAir
Super Freaky – A. Serwer, Tapped
Salary Control, You Knew It was Coming M. Malkin
Can the Political System Let G.M. Fail? Ezra Klein
Right Message, but the Wrong Time – Michele Bachmann, Townhall
Unions Protest Joe the Plumber – A. Terkel, Think Progress
EEOC Violates Itself, Blames Bush – R. Abrams, Weekly Standard
Waxman Goes Further on Climate Change – E. Schor, TPM
Privacy, Good Idea! – John, Powerline
Dept. of Non-Leading IndicatorsMegan McArdle

Sebelius: Reconciliation on the Table The Hill
TARP Taxpayer Commitment $2.9TThe Hill
Record Drop in Jan. Index of Home Prices New York Times
Detroit’s Fate Sealed in West WingWall Street Journal